Wednesday 29 May 2024

Day 98 Doradal to Medellin

Medellin (pronounced Med-ay-yin) is the second largest city in Colombia and we arrived here after a mostly wet ride from Doradal on 29 May, 2024. Medellin is the second largest city in Colombia and is super modern. However, it is best known for the Medellin Cartel run by Pablo Escabar. In the 1990's there were five drug cartels in Colombia and two remain - closely pursued by the Colombian Army. This is all over the local news but did not affect us.  

In many towns both the police and army are visible but not overwhelming. The police ride bright green Honda motorcycles and wear blue clothing but the army wear green camouflage outfits and are very well armed with pump-action shotguns and other weapons, if you see them. 

Todays ride was very atmospheric with lots of rain and a grand array of clouds around the peaks. This remained until we dropped down the steep streets to our GH Hotel which is very nice and modern. We had expected hot weather, and despite being warm was actually quite comfortable. I hope this remains.

We arrived before lunch with the aim of walking up to the ultra flash shopping centre where a Notary Firm would sign off our many papers to export our motorcycles out of Colombia and back to Australia in due course. The process was excruciating. A private customs agent had sent all of the papers (in Spanish) to JC by email, with our names and passport details completed and he had to print off the ten (yes 10) different forms for each of us. My role was to check that my passport number, name, VIN number, Engine number and registration were correct on all forms, then go through a long process of stamping and checking them with various managers. I do not have a high level of confidence that we have everything just correct for four bikes and the truck to get exported, but we will see after JC sends the paperwork to Catagena by courier. There were forms for the agent, forms for customs, forms for the anti-drug guys, forms for the shipper etc. Jeff's bike was given to a guy called Kevin who is riding it overland as we speak, with the aim of shipping it off to Australia with the others. There are many moving parts!

Tomorrow we have a long day on good roads as we head north. I am praying for good weather. 

PS the photo below is of the two dogs at our hotel, called "White" and "Black" who would steal food from your plate at breakfast, if you allowed it!

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