Sunday 7 April 2024

Day 45 - VERY Hot ride to Navirai

Today we rose very early and I decided to go for a swim first, as the day was going to get hot, quickly. Which it did. Eventually it reached 39 degrees on the road, but that was to be in the mid afternoon and was totally foreseeable!

Jeff Wang is still very unwell and it turns out he has a urinary tract infection which is clearly very painful. It appears that it may have come from our time swimming in the river, according to JC.  He is normally a very happy and positive person and a delight to be around, but right now he is understandably a grump! So he is taking strong anti-biotics. More importantly he is riding in the truck with Willy and Sheryle and his bike is taking it easy on the back of the truck (which looks impressive). I only wish I had seen Willy putting it up there, via TWO ramps, one which he apparently walked up, and the other which the bike walked up (with a little wrist and motor encouragement).

For our days ride there was an option of a gravel section, that Rahn was sure he would ride, but he chickened out when he saw the clouds of red dust from a ute driving out of a simple driveway. I dont blame him and am glad we did not take the 700km of gravel across El Chaco in Paraguay as the "quick and short option"!

Our ride was straight forward in the first half, but became very stinking hot in the second, and one town that we went through had 99 road humps (or it seemed that way). Road humps are common in towns in Brazil, to "calm the traffic" but are an absolute pain as you need to slow to about 20km/hr to get over them and to second gear otherwise the bike and all in it, will take off. When they are only 20m apart, say near schools, they are a PITA.  This was not my most favourite town being called Dourados.

My map below, which is now on Facebook, has been very popular as it shows in a glance where we have been and are about to go in the next two days. In fact today, we rose at 4am and will leave by 7 am so that we can avoid some of the intense heat, but also to "close the loop" and return to Foz Iguzu again as we head south and west around Paraguay towards Salta and Bolivia. 

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