Tuesday, 8 September 2015

IBR 2015 Part 7 - What Next?

Would you Do It Again?

Frankly, when everyone gets off their bike at the end of the IBR, exhausted, filthy, wet, starving, and with scrambled brain, I am sure the majority say “never again”.

For those who could not start, but had entrance, or crashed out along the way for any number of reasons, it is a much simpler decision – YES – they will book again with even more commitment.

For the rest of us it’s an individual decision at least partly dependent on health, money, time away from work and family support. I have my three-digit number. I have climbed my Everest.  But I will return. The people make it the wonder that it is. The riding is fantastic, the scenery awesome and the challenge breathtaking.

This is just too good to miss!
See you all in 2017.


  1. Enjoyed reading this Olaf. I like how you broke it up in parts. Congrats on your finish and the three digit number. Well done mate!

  2. Absolutely sensational....one of the best reads in a long time about true LD Riding. Congratulations!

  3. Fantastic report Olaf I will share this on my page for all interested in Europe to learn all bout IBR riding....it's a friends for life thing!!

  4. A very fine report Olaf. Well done and congrats on the ride!
