Tuesday, 8 September 2015

IBR 2015 Part 4 - Where Did I Go?

So where did I Go?

In Leg 1, I headed west out of Albuquerque and north through a large oval course in a clockwise direction. Here is an approximate list of the bonuses that I visited:

1.     PETR Petroglyph                   NM      300
2.     ELMA El Mapais                    NM      280
3.     ELMO El Morro                      NM      279
4.     PEFO   Petrified Forest NP   AZ        401
5.     CACH  Canyon de Chelly      AZ        606
6.     HUTR  Hubbell Trading        AZ        408
7.     CANY  Canyon lands NP       UT      507
8.     ARCH  Arches                                    UT       506
9.     MINI   Minidoka Interment             ID        306
10. YELL   Yellowstone NP         WY      899
11. LIBI     Custer’s Monument MT      3333
12. DETO  Devils Tower              WY      2111
13. JECA    Jewel Cave                 SD       304
14. AGFO   Agate Fossils              SD       283
15. FLFO   Florissant                   CO       407
16. BEOL   Bents Old Fort           CO       396
17. CAVO  Capulin Volcano        NM      405
18. FOUN  Fort Union                  NM      257
19. PECO  Pecos                          NM      256
20. BAND  Bandelier                   NM      317

For Leg 2, I left late, about 10am after changing my GPS at the local BMW Dealer, which eliminated some of the options in the south of NM. I headed South and then East, which was inevitable. The main bonus sites that I visited were;
1.     CAVE   Carlsbad Caverns      NM      409(missing Fort Davis which was on my route initially)
2.     BIBE    Big Bend NP               TX       1999
3.     RIGR    Rio Grande NP           TX       2421
4.     AMIS   Amistad                      TX       995
5.     LYJO    Lyndon B Johnson     TX       911
6.     BITH   Big Thicket                 TX       914
7.     CARI    Cane River                 LA        998
8.     POPP  Poverty Point             LA        600
9.     ARPO  Arkansas Post            AR       399
10. TUPE  Tupelo Battle             MS       850
11. NATP  Natchez                      MS       852
12. BRCR   Brice’s Cross Roads   MS       851
13. SHIL    Shiloh NP                   TN       989
14. RUCA  Russell Cave               AL        332
15. CHCH  Chickamauga             GA       397
16. OBRI   Obed Wild River NP  TN       430
17. Finished at Kingsport TN

For Leg 3, I headed SE then north then west through a full storm.  I should have tried the other group of DC bonuses and tried to understand Tom’s guidance.
1.     ANJO   Andrew Johnson       TN       890
2.     COWP Cowpens                    SC        1600
3.     KIMO Kings Mountain          SC        905
4.     GUCO  Guildford Park HQ    NC       504
5.     BOWA Booker T Wash’n       VA       774
6.     BLUE   Bluestone River         WV      516
7.     CECR   Cedar Grove               VA       306
8.     ROCR Rock Ck DC                  DC       016
9.     HATU Harriett Tubman       MD      2200
10. GETT   Gettysburg                 PA       713
11. FL93   Flight 93 Memorial   PA       919
12. FONE  Fort Necessity            PA       469
13. FRHI    Friendship Hill           PA       470
14. HOCU  Hopewell Culture      OH       463
15. WIHO William Howard        OH       465
16. ABLI    Abe Lincoln Birth      KY       997
17. LIBO    Lincoln Boyhood M   IN        1502
18. GERO  George Rogers Pk      IN        1501
19. LIHO   Abe Lincoln Home     IL         1500
20. HSTR   Harry S Truman       MO      513
21. BRVB   Brown vs Brown        KS       811
22. TAPR   Tallgrass Prairie        KS       815
23. NICO   Nicodemus                 KS       814
24. FOLS   Fort Larned                KS       812
25. WABA Washita Battlefield   OK       299
26. LARO   Lake Meredith           TX       199     not achieved due to storm
27. ALFL    Albates Flint               TX       499     not achieved
28. PECO  Pecos                          NM      256

In addition to these scores (not fully recorded here) there were bonuses, which were all achieved for:
1.     REST 1-3        Timed Rest bonuses up to 1920 points
2.     CI1-3              Call-in bonus, one for each leg, 1000 points
3.     TRK1-3           Tracking bonuses – 1000 points per leg.

4.     Arrival Bonus (on time).

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